Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Do You Know Where To Put Your Hands?

The following is one of my favorite scenes from CBS's new show, Scorpion. Why do I love it? Well, for tons of reasons, most of which will not be readily apparent if you don't actually watch this one... THEREFORE, I'm going to give you just a bit of background. Walter O'Brien has one of the highest IQs ever recorded (real-life person), but it makes it difficult for him to tap into the emotional side of his brain. Ergo, he has a distinct lack of appreciation for the arts AND a very real inability to connect with other people. Bringing Paige on board the team is making Walter embrace fairly large shifts in his way of thinking...

I think it was pretty obvious he was jealous when she danced with the other guy. What you didn't see was that Walter rigged the download to fail just so that he could dance with her for three more minutes.... hahahaha. He risked the entire op just to dance with a girl he's falling for... but he'll never tell, which is why I've got to blab about it here.

TV Show: Scorpion
Status: CBS, Monday, 9:00 PM Eastern Time

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

You Think This Could Be The Christmas Episode?

The week of Christmas is upon us. I'm going to search for Christmas clips this week. Enjoy...

TV Show: Moonlighting
Status: Cancelled

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Correct Me If I'm Wrong...

The week of Christmas is upon us. I'm going to search for Christmas clips this week. Enjoy...

TV Show: Seinfeld
Status: Cancelled

Monday, December 22, 2014

How Would I Ever Live Without You?

In searching for Christmas clips on YouTube, I came across this bit from Frasier. Honestly, it was a bit painful to watch. Sometimes, when something hits close to home, you cringe inside. My mom and I have been bickering very much like this for a while now. I can picture a volcanic eruption over something like Christmas lights. Merry Christmas!

TV Show: Frasier
Status: Cancelled

Sunday, December 21, 2014

It's a Chrismukkah Miracle

The week of Christmas is upon us. I'm going to search for Christmas clips this week. Enjoy...

TV Show: The O.C.
Status: Cancelled

Friday, December 19, 2014

Damn It, Jack!

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy...

TV Show: 24
Status: Uncertain. Fox brought it back in 2014 for Live Another Day. That "project" proved that the 24 fan base is alive and well. They left the series wide open for another return. Let's cross our fingers and hope...

Thursday, December 18, 2014

I Was Afraid

Okay, this stopped being a "new thing" about a month ago. But, it's still just for fun... YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy...

TV Show: Reign
Status: CW, Thursday, 9:00 PM Eastern Time

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

How Could She Say No....?

Okay, this stopped being a "new thing" about a month ago. But, it's still just for fun... YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy...

TV Show: Modern Family
Status: ABC, Wednesday, 9:00 PM Eastern Time

Monday, December 15, 2014

We're Running Out of Road

Okay, this stopped being a "new thing" about a month ago. But, it's still just for fun... YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy...

TV Show: Scorpion
Status: CBS, Monday, 9:00 PM Eastern Time

Sunday, December 14, 2014

A Second Chance

Okay, this stopped being a "new thing" about a month ago. But, it's still just for fun... YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy...

TV Show: Once Upon A Time
Status: ABC, Sunday, 8:00 PM Eastern Time

Friday, December 12, 2014


Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy...

TV Show: Alias
Status: Cancelled

Thursday, December 11, 2014

What Are You Doing?

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy...

TV Show: Bones
Status: Fox, Thursday, 8:00 PM Eastern Time

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Your Room Is On FIRE!

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy...

TV Show: Felicity
Status: Cancelled

Monday, December 8, 2014

As Long As They're Not Kissing

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy...

TV Show: Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Status: Cancelled

Sunday, December 7, 2014

One Word, Three Letters

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy...

Dixie, this is for you. This is THE END!

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Status: Cancelled

Friday, December 5, 2014

Sometimes The End Feels Just Like The Beginning

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy...

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Status: Cancelled

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Let Us All Close Our Knees

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy...

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Status: ABC, Thursday, 8:00 PM Eastern Time

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

I'd Give Anything for Ear Plugs

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy...

TV Show: Heartland
Status: UP, Wednesday, 9:00 PM Eastern Time

Monday, December 1, 2014

I Need A Taco

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy...

TV Show: Gilmore Girls
Status: Cancelled

Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Librarians

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy...

TV Show: The Librarians
Status: Premieres on TNT on Sunday, December 7 at 8:00 PM Eastern Time

Friday, November 28, 2014

Tattle Tale

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy...

I know I missed yesterday... Happy Thanksgiving friends! Here is a Thanksgiving video one day late...

TV Show: Friends
Status: Cancelled

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Make A Wish

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy...

TV Show: Heartland
Status: UP, Wednesday, 9:00 PM Eastern Time

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

All The Right Friends

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy...

TV Show: Smallville
Status: Cancelled

Monday, November 24, 2014

You're A Scurvy Louse

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy...

TV Show: Sleepy Hollow
Status: FOX, Monday, 9:00 PM Eastern Time

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Is That Enough Humor For You?

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy...

TV Show: Once Upon A Time
Status: ABC, Sunday, 8:00 PM Eastern Time

Friday, November 21, 2014

...And He Didn't Even Care

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy...

TV Show: Lost
Status: Cancelled

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Smelly Melly

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy...

TV Show: Scandal
Status: ABC, Thursday, 9:00 PM Eastern Time

**I watch this show for two reasons. One is that the characters are compelling because they are so flawed. Two is because this is a "politics" show and showcases very clearly, if you are watching for it, how the government wants you to think on the issues. Which is a good reason to make a 360 degree turn and go in the other direction. I really wish the clip of David Rosen as Attorney General was on YouTube. His entire case (arguing for the need of gun control) centered on the fact that The Constitution is/was an outdated document and that we should throw  out in favor of what "the people" want today. Since "the people" are fairly evenly split 50-50 on this issue (which is a damn shame, in my humble opinion), and he was representing the 50% who shared HIS ideals,  I think we should stick with the document that protects the liberties of ALL the people, instead of choosing what is fashionable "right now." Here's the thing, though.... This show has a huge audience, and anyone in favor of gun control likely thought that argument was "on-target"... pardon my pun... and they will likely be using it sometime in the near future. I hope they do it on Stephen T. McCarthy's blog, because I would really like to see that. However, when they aren't prattling on about liberal agenda politics, this show is actually pretty darn good. (Smelly Melly is slowly becoming my favorite character on this one.... hehehehe.)

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

There's Something About Him

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy...

TV Show: Modern Family
Status: ABC, Wednesday, 9:00 PM Eastern Time

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

You Left

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy...

TV Show: Marvel's Agents of SHIELD
Status: ABC, Tuesday, 9:00 PM Eastern Time

Monday, November 17, 2014

There Are 50 Cops In Here... Try Something

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy...

TV Show: Gotham
Status: Fox, Monday, 8:00 PM Eastern Time

***Another personal note from me: I love these shows that give you the background on comic book characters. Gotham features Jim Gordon as a brand new cop and Bruce Wayne as a kid, right after his parents are murdered. Thus far, I think this show is very well done and appropriately dark. Gotham has been taken over by corruption; the criminals are running the city. This Gotham provides context for why Bruce Wayne became Batman. 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Was Any Of It Real?

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy...

 TV Show: Revenge
Status: ABC, Sunday, 10:00 PM Eastern Time

Friday, November 14, 2014


Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy...

TV Show: Mad About You
Status: Cancelled

Thursday, November 13, 2014

History Shows That It's My Fault

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy...

TV Show: Everwood
Status: Cancelled

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

This Is The Best Part

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy...

TV Show: Smallville
Status: Cancelled

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Today's My Lucky Day

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy...

TV Show: Supernatural
Status: CW, Tuesday, 9:00PM Eastern Time

Monday, November 10, 2014

We Must Do Something

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy...

TV Show: Sleepy Hollow
Status: Fox, Monday, 9:00PM Eastern Time

Sunday, November 9, 2014

We're Gonna Have To Walk It!

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy...

TV Show: All In The Family
Status: Cancelled

Friday, November 7, 2014

That Backpack Is Zelda Fitzgerald

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy...

TV Show: Gilmore Girls
Status: Cancelled

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Why Is He Suturing His Own Face?

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy...

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Status: ABC, Thursday, 8:00PM Eastern Time

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

I Lied To You

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy..

TV Show: Nashville
Status: ABC, Wednesday, 10:00PM Eastern Time

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

There's No One To Tell

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy..

TV Show: Person of Interest
Status: CBS, Tuesday, 10:00PM Eastern Time

Monday, November 3, 2014

Are You Kidding?

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy..

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Status: Cancelled

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Your Ethics Are Even Sexier

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy..

TV Show: Madam Secretary
Status: CBS, Sunday, 8:00PM Eastern Time

I haven't done much commenting on these videos, but I want to take a moment to say that this show is better than I expected. Of course, it feels unfair to me. This is the kind of Secretary of State we WISH we had, and not anything remotely close to what have/had. It is also a Barbara Hall show (who created Joan of Arcadia... and we all know how much I LOVED LOVED LOVED that show). I just don't want anyone to confuse their fiction and reality. 

Friday, October 31, 2014

No One Writes Songs About The Ones That Come Easy

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy..

TV Show: Veronica Mars
Status: Cancelled

Thursday, October 30, 2014


Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy....

TV Show: Elementary
Status: CBS, Thursday, 10:00PM Eastern Time, Season Premiere 10/30/14

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

I Want To Get Back On The Sweet Side

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy..

TV Show: Nashville
Status: ABC, Wednesday, 10:00 PM Eastern Time

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Who Would Be Stupid Enough...?

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy..

TV Show: Person of Interest
Status: CBS, Tuesday, 10:00PM Eastern Time

Monday, October 27, 2014

You Will Always Have A Choice

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy....

TV Show: The Originals
Status: CW, Monday, 8:00PM Eastern Time

Friday, October 24, 2014

Look Honey, Roman Holiday

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy..

TV Show: Mad About You
Status: Cancelled

Thursday, October 23, 2014

I'm Drawing A Line

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy....

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Status: ABC, Thursday, 8:00 PM Eastern Time

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The 100

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy....

TV Show: The 100
Status: CW, Wednesday, 9:00 PM Eastern Time

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Rule 40

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy....

Status: CBS, Tuesday, 8:00 PM Eastern Time

Monday, October 20, 2014

Sunshine and Gunpowder

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy....

TV Show: NCIS: Los Angeles
Status: CBS, Monday, 10:00 PM Eastern Time

Sunday, October 19, 2014

I Made A Promise

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy....

TV Show: Everwood
Status: Cancelled

Friday, October 17, 2014

I Liked It Better When You Called Me Jane

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy....

TV Show: Joan of Arcadia
Status: Cancelled

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Love Is Irrelevant To People Like Us

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy....

TV Show: Reign
Status: CW, Thursday, 9:00PM Eastern Time

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

It Sounds Different In My Head

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy....

TV Show: Arrow
Status: CW, Wednesday, 8:00PM Eastern Time

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Fastest Man Alive

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy....

TV Show: The Flash
Status: CW, Tuesday, 8:00PM Eastern Time

Monday, October 13, 2014

This Day Continues To Bear Gifts

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy...

TV Show: Sleepy Hollow
Status: FOX, Monday, 9:00PM Eastern Time

Sunday, October 12, 2014

And This Will Make Me Happy

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy....

TV Show: Once Upon A Time
Status: ABC, Sunday, 8:00PM Eastern Time

Friday, October 10, 2014

A Taste of Her Own Medicine

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy....

TV Show: Seinfeld
Status: Cancelled

Thursday, October 9, 2014

I Thought For One Moment That I Wouldn't Have To Feel Guilty Anymore

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy....

TV Show: The Vampire Diaries
Status: CW, Thursday, 8:00PM Eastern Time

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

I Know Why You're Lonely

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy....

TV Show: Nashville
Status: ABC, Wednesday, 10:00PM Eastern Time

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Man Overboard

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy....

TV Show: Frasier
Status: Cancelled

Monday, October 6, 2014

Pure Genius

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy....

TV Show: Scorpion
Status: CBS, Monday, 9:00PM Eastern Time

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Going Up

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy....

TV Show: The Good Wife
Status: CBS, Sunday, 9:00PM, Eastern Time

Friday, October 3, 2014

Weird Science

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy....

TV Show: Joan of Arcadia
Status: Cancelled

Thursday, October 2, 2014

You're Not The Victim Here

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy...

TV Show: Scandal
Status: ABC, Thursday, 9:00PM Eastern Time

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Just Another Little Girl

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy....

TV Show: Modern Family
Status: ABC, Wednesday, 9:00PM Eastern Time

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Let The Good Times Roll

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy....

TV Show: NCIS: New Orleans
Status: CBS, Tuesday, 9:00PM, Eastern Time

Monday, September 29, 2014

I Don't Want Your Intelligence

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy....

TV Show: The Blacklist
Status: NBC, Monday, 10:00PM Eastern Time

Friday, September 26, 2014


Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy....

Show: Hawaii Five-O
Status: CBS, Friday, 9:00PM, Eastern Time

Thursday, September 25, 2014

All My Boyfriends Are Here

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy....

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Status: ABC, Thursday, 8:00pm Eastern Time

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Mommy Dearest

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy....

TV Show: Nashville
Status: ABC, Wednesday, 10:00 pm, Eastern Time

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Rules

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy...

**Normally, I will just post one video, but the second one is so much better if you watch the first.

Status: CBS, Tuesday, 8:00PM Eastern Time

Monday, September 22, 2014

Not Even A Tough One

Trying a new thing here. Just for fun, going to post videos from the tube. That would be YouTube covering the Boob Tube. This is a TV blog. Enjoy....

TV Show: Castle
Status: ABC, Monday, 10:00pm Eastern Time

Sunday, January 12, 2014


CBS premiered a new show this week: Intelligence. It premiered on Tuesday at 9:00 (after NCIS), but its regular time slot will be Mondays at 10:00.

Here is the trailer if you missed it (or didn't and are interested):

Let me start with the things that I like about this show.  Josh Holloway (from Lost) is back on TV. That alone calls for an "oh boy" or "woot woot" or maybe just deep sighs. Ever since Edward Snowden leaked that the NSA is tracking your personal information via phone calls, emails, and such, unless you live in complete denial you now have confirmation that the government is spying on you. Television series (and movies) are merely keeping current with the times. Given that the NSA is so busy spying on us, is it outlandish to think that our government would do something like this?  In my opinion, the show and its premise are completely realistic. If they could figure out HOW to do it, they most certainly WOULD. And they may have figured out how... if they had, it would be a Super Duper Top Secret Way Above Most Everyone's Clearance.

What else do I like? The big and little screen are the only places that I can believe for a short while that our government is still on the side of right. At least sometimes. Holloway's character, Gabriel, appears to be True Blue. He served three tours overseas fighting for this country. His wife worked for the CIA and was deeply undercover when her op went wrong and most evidence indicates she switched sides. Gabriel is determined to find her and the truth. He is determined to find the truth and doesn't just accept what appears to be true. And based on what you saw in the trailer (and the pilot), the Chinese are going to have their own upgraded version of Gabriel, so we can expect international intrigue. I fully expect this show to be Gabriel, using all of the tech in his head, to be focused on the bad guys. Isn't the world nice when there are White Hats and Black Hats?

What I don't like... Even though I would like to suspend my disbelief and accept that our government would only put this tech in a person for the purest of purposes, I have this problem. Ever since Edward Snowden leaked that the NSA is tracking your personal information via phone calls, emails, and such, unless you live in complete denial you now have confirmation that the government is spying on you. So, this show is an In Your Face Reminder that our government, if it doesn't already have this technology, is most likely working Fast and Furious to get it. And, as we all know, real life and TV rarely show much resemblance to one another. So, I very much doubt that we will see this show use the tech the way that our actual government would if they had it.

So, my question is this... are shows like this one designed to make us complacent about the idea of the government putting tech in people's heads? Will it be easier to roll out this information after this show has paved the way? Is the government using TV to make the things that they do go down easier? Are they trying to convince The People that they really are wearing a White Hat when they read our emails, listen to our phone calls, and track our movements?