Monday, January 19, 2015

What Kind Of Punch Does a Jellyfish Like?

Another week has rolled by and I've only barely kept up with Life., not so much. I'm going to try and be more on top of things this week. However, I'm still so time-limited that I don't see a "real" TV post in the near future. So, let's watch a video, shall we????

TV Show: Scorpion
Status: CBS, Monday 9:00 PM Eastern Time


  1. Life? Blogging? Is there a difference anymore? Hopefully for you and I guess so for me, but sometimes I begin to wonder. Never saw Scorpion--too busy blogging (or thinking about blogging).

    Tossing It Out

  2. Everyone eventually fits in? Not into my world. I am selective and only let in interesting members with good intentions and good values. In my circle, most people are different than I am (thank God), which is how I learn. And I love them for it.

    As you know, I don't believe in time. To me, life is what happens in between all the crap everyone expects from us. Time is an arbitrary creation of man used to measure stress. I enjoy life immensely because I only keep up with the things I accept and agree to willingly.

    1. I think he means it within the context that even kids who are very different (for whatever reason) find like-minded people to hang out with eventually. Hopefully those are people like you have in your life (good intentions and values).

    2. Yes, I do agree, especially with respect to kids. I have to learn to differentiate nice stories like this from the current administration and all the like-minded people they hang out with eventually. I was just being sour.

    3. Gotcha. But your context works, too. Like eventually migrates toward like. In this case, it was sweet. In the case of politics... not so much.

  3. I caught the tail-end of this show last night. I may give it a whirl.

    1. I really like this show. I think it may very well be the best new show of the fall 2014 season.
