Tuesday, June 18, 2013

All Roads Lead to J.J. Abrams

image found at www.weheartit.com

I haven't posted anything on this blog in FOREVER.

I am going to try and be better about that.  There were some excellent shows that were cancelled this season.  For instance, FRINGE took an exit and deserves a write-up and fond farewell.  PRIVATE PRACTICE exited due to really poor writing.  Apparently Shonda Rimes can only keep two shows in the air at once.  There is a lesson here.  I hope that she learns it.  Moving on...

And there were a few really good new shows that came out this season.  My personal favorite was REVOLUTION.  It is on NBC.  Now... you must keep in mind that I began a boycott of NBC several years ago due to terrible programming.  Every now and then they would come up with something GREAT and immediately cancel it.  I got SO SICK of this that I gave up on the network altogether.  I would have continued my boycott except that J.J. Abrams and Eric Kripke collaborated on REVOLUTION.... and I was back in.  I was also enthralled.  Other best new shows include ABC's NASHVILLE and CBS's VEGAS and ELEMENTARY.

Yesterday, I received a notice that J.J. Abrams has a new show coming out on Fox (probably in the fall) and it looks AMAZING.  Here is the trailer.  Don't forget to turn off the music at the bottom of the page.

What do you think?